
Welcome to Our Workshop for ICE 2012

Our first (Full Day) Workshop:Adobe Photoshop Elements Basics in the classroom

Our goal: Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop (Photoshop Elements).  Learn design techniques, creating templates, adding embellishments, and more endless creative possibilities. This session has time allotted for participants to create, plan and explore. We strive to help enable teachers to hone their skills inspire their students to explore and create

Course Description:
Digital Scrapbooking in the Classroom with Photoshop Elements
Basics of Photoshop Elements – (Photoshop 101)
Using and Creating Templates
Creating Page Layouts
Using Embellishments
Ideas and Resource


Our second (1/2 day) Workshop: Microsoft EXCEL Intermediate - Beyond the basics

Get more from Excel - Intermediate Level

Using Microsoft Excel 2003 we move beyond the basics. In this Intermediate level workshop we begin with a quick Excel-101, and continue to explore: Formulas, Formatting, Functions, Charts, Tips, Tricks and More. Must have Basic Computing Skills! A link to our workshop page: http://www.stationtechlab.com/ExcelWorkshop.html


More Questions Please e-mail me: tmaguire @ barrington220.org